Author: Jim Fergus
Jim Fergus is the author of six novels, and two books of nonfiction. His bestselling novel, ONE THOUSAND WHITE WOMEN, won the Mountain and Plains Booksellers Association Fiction of the Year Award, and continues to be a favorite selection of book clubs and reading groups across the country. In 2017, St. Martin’s Press published the 20th anniversary paperback edition of ONE THOUSAND WHITE WOMEN, which has now sold over a million copies in America. The French translation of the novel – MILLE FEMMES BLANCHES – won the Best First Foreign Novel award and spent 57 weeks on the bestseller list in France.
The second book of the ONE THOUSAND WHITE WOMEN trilogy – LA VENGEANCE DES MÈRES – was published in France in September of 2016. The American edition – THE VENGEANCE OF MOTHERS – was published by St. Martin’s Press in September of 2017.
The final book of the ONE THOUSAND WHITE WOMAN trilogy appeared in France in September 2019 under the title, LES AMAZONES. The American edition, entitled STRONGHEART will be published by St. Martin’s Press on April 6, 2021.
Fergus’s other novels include THE WILD GIRL (2005), THE MEMORY OF LOVE (2013), and MARIE BLANCHE (2011, only available in a French language edition). His nonfiction books are A HUNTER’S ROAD (1992) and THE SPORTING ROAD (1999). For the benefit of unsuspecting readers, it must be pointed out that the novel, THE LAST APACHE GIRL, is the British edition of THE WILD GIRL, the title changed by the UK publisher.
Jim Fergus lives with four dogs and a French woman, and divides his time between southern Arizona, the northern Rocky Mountains, France, and French Polynesia.